Helping leaders build engagement through more authentic leadership


Leaders who are more authentic and constructive will build higher engagement in teams, which in turn increases business results and with;

 ‘the Manager or Team Lead alone accounting for 70% of the variance in team engagement’

developing a conscious, authentic mindset is a game changer for any leader.


Why be more you in your leadership

The research is clear, higher engaged teams produce better business results. What is also clear is that trust and collaboration is a critical driver of engagement in teams. Find out in this video how being more you, and bringing more of you to your leadership, drives trust and collaboration.

70% of the variance in team engagement is driven by the leader

The research has been completed. Gallup research shows that 70% of the variance in team engagement is driven by the leader. The research also show that business outcomes are better in highly engaged teams, compared to lower engaged teams.


How Matt can support you or your teams’ leadership growth


Leadership coaching

1:1 coaching to identify and leverage your authentic leadership style. Develop a more constructive leadership style, to drive team engagement and in turn team performance.


Coaching for engagement

A face to face one day workshop for up to 20 participants. We will explain why coaching is a critical skill for leaders and build capability in key coaching skills.


Awakening Leadership

The awakened leadership program has been curated to bring together the most up to date leadership principles and skills, to build increased adaptability that will enable teams to deliver outstanding business outcomes.


V.U.C.A and Leadership 4.0

An introduction to the principle of VUCA and Leadership 4.0. Understand how leaders need to adapt behaviours, in order to operate effectively in a VUCA landscape and deliver better business outcomes.


“What you get with Matt is sharp professional insight, a willingness to challenge how things are done, and outstanding results.”

— Andrew F, Head of Supply.

Say hello and let’s see if we are a match.