Enabling leaders, teams and organizations to reach their potential

Matt enables good organisations to become and remain great.  He customises a balance of lean and agile operational excellence approaches that drive and sustain internal value creation.  The result is an increase in productivity of leaders, their teams, processes, and systems. 

Matt leverages expertise across 4 specialisms to support business improvement and value creation across all domains

  • Adaptive and Authentic Leadership

    Build leadership capability to engage teams through building psychological safety and leading with a growth mindset

  • Lean Thinking

    Leverage Lean thinking tools to build a learning culture focussed on waste reduction

  • Agile Thinking

    Focus on reducing the cost of change, Agile focuses on enabling teams to deliver work in small, workable increments, thus delivering value to their customers with ease

  • Design thinking and Innovation

    A creative, team-based problem-solving process that encourages failure and is driven by empathy.

“What you get with Matt is sharp professional insight, a willingness to challenge how things are done, and outstanding results.”

— Andrew F, Head of Supply.

Matt’s has worked with Blue Chip companies in the Pharmaceutical, Food and Beverage, FMCG and Utilities sectors



Cadbury Schweppes

Proctor and Gamble


Water Corporation


Pfizer • Nestle • Cadbury Schweppes • Proctor and Gamble • Synergy • Water Corporation • Lion •

Who is Matt Brown?

Hello there! I am Matt, here with my beautiful family on New Years eve, saying Au-revoir to the Sun, an annual tradition for us to celebrate the end of another year.

I am originally from London, England, I moved to Australia almost 16years ago. I started my manufacturing and leadership career in the UK with Proctor and Gamble and then moved to Nestle, both internationally and in the UK. Since then have had the honor to work with some incredible originations and help them to effect transformation; Cadbury, Lion (an Australasian Brewer) and most recently Pfizer. Whilst I spent the first half of my career leading teams focused on the Toyota Production System and Lean, over the past 10 years I have been building my expertise in the realm of sales and marketing, Innovation, Change and most recently in Agile as a global Enterprise Agile coaching lead for Pfizer. 25 years of coaching teams, leaders and leaders of leaders.

I enable leaders and organizations to become more adaptable and responsive to change through leveraging my expert capability across Lean, Agile, Innovation and Leadership development, as well as a deep understanding of the importance of human value, to ensure the best business outcomes across multiple contexts. I am known to bring a calm, disciplined and methodical, yet creative approach to leadership that unlocks team performance and business value.

I love continuous improvement, but my passion is helping leaders uncover keys that unlock team performance, especially in complex environments.

Say hello and let’s explore how I can support you.